Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Some days seem much too complicated.
Complicated by too many things to do - too many things left undone - too many worries - too many regrets - too many thoughts - too many lies - too many lines scribbled upon my face, my heart and my life.
On the complicated days, I struggle to understand what God wants from me - why things seem so hard - why I have been given these dreams and face so may challenges trying to make them come true.
On the complicated days I want to erase some of the complicated lines - smooth things out a bit - clean up and press out the wrinkles, toss out the frivolous and the unnecessary - simplify.
A life less complicated could be nice - but if I truly have chosen these things that make up my life, perhaps I am just not seeing things clearly - perhaps I am worthy and the complications are a case of mistaken identity. Maybe what I need is a new way of looking - an uncomplicated state of mind.

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