Tuesday, August 3, 2010


In moments of clarity - of supreme and utter connection to my divine purpose I become electrified.
I become an amplified being capable of extreme courage and determination. I am granted the grace of God and am able to surpass the limitations I once conceived. I gain a type of personal power that is not defined in human terms but comes from the universe conspiring on my behalf. I only wish that this experience was not fleeting and as finite as it feels once it is gone.
Once you experience divine intervention, it seems that nothing else can compare and for me it seems that I am always searching for a way back to this experience. How can a person be privy to a direct connection with the Divine and then spend the rest of their life in search of the reconnection. Somehow, this doesn't seem fair - and when I think this way, I feel like a complainer - like I am not grateful for having had the experience in the first place.
Once you experience the immenseness of divinity - nothing else measures up - I do try to connect to this on a daily basis - I do try to live my life in such a way that I honor the greatness of everything - I try to honor the humbleness of the seed but also want to exhalt the glorious existence of the bursting bloom. I struggle with the fact that God deemed me fit to grant me direct contact with the divine at a time of great need and anxiety, but then has left me to figure out the rest on my own. This is the part that remains a mystery to me .

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