Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Sometimes, I feel so confined by my own thoughts - at times my emotions feel so unmanageable it makes me want to scream.
I want so much to break free from the old patterns and beliefs that bind me to my past. I long to reach deep inside to touch the place where things truly matter - to the source of my greatness, my inner knowing and my peace.
I know it's in there - this ability to transform what was into what I desire now - the capability to tap into my God-given creativity, wisdom and truth - the real me.
I will keep practicing each day to break the hold of ignorance, judgement and labeling.
I will choose to view my life from a perspective of possibility. A way to be born anew into the moment where fragments of me become whole.
I will practice compassion and loving kindness toward myself and others and this shall set me free.

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