Thursday, July 29, 2010


I am lover of knowledge and appreciate those who pass their wisdom onto others.
I didn't always respect the life experience that the elders in my life and in the world were sharing with me. When I was young, I thought I knew everything and that my way was the best way.
I always had a rebellious streak within me and although my intentions were sort of noble, I was at times downright disrespectful of my parents, teachers and other authority figures in my life. It was sometimes difficult to sort through all the things that people were telling me and teaching - to see the gems of wisdom among all the crap being heaped on me - all the rules and conventions that were pressing down and smothering my creativity and authenticity. So, more often times than not, I rebelled against authority and unfortunately this rebellion shut out not only my oppressors, but the genuinely good folks in my life, who really did have something positive to share and teach me.
It has been a long journey to the me I am today - a person who is able to discern meaning and what serves me. I have found so many wonderful people whose message and teachings are now an integral part of my life - they have helped me find my way back to the real me and what I have learned and continue to learn is empowering. I am finding ways to be my real self and also live my life from a place of wise-mind. I now respect and honor my parents - all they have experienced in their lifetime and all that they have done for me. They are my greatest role models and teachers and have loved me unconditionally - not an easy task I might add.
I continue to seek out the wise ones - the masters of life who have overcome, those who use the laws of the universe to live happy and fulfilling lives. I value what they know and what they share and I hope it is within me to one day share what I have learned with others. I have this hope that will not die - that as I become stronger in my recovery that I can become a mentor through what I do to someone who needs a little help and guidance. I know what it is like to be troubled and to struggle with internal strife - to feel mad in a world that wants me to think, act and be a certain way - a way that is just not me. I can empathise with those that are facing their own demons and internal turmoil. I want to be a beacon of hope for the lost and lonely for those that struggle to fit in.
There is great knowledge and real wisdom worth knowing out there in the world - it is available to us all if we look for it. If we choose to incorporate new knowledge bit by bit into our life we can make real change and experience great transformation. All is possible!

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