Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nature Child

The Nature Child within renews me.
She sees with eyes of wonderment, awe and beauty. When I am afraid she calls me to visit her world and return to gentleness and love.
When I am close to the nature child aspect of who I am, I instantly become grounded and centered. I experience the silent ever-present magic that exists in all of life but is so often missed when I hurry about my ordinary day.
My nature child reminds me to open my mind and heart and to tread lightly on this earthly plane that supports me and I temporarily call home.
When I am tired and stressed and take time to slow the pace I find that nature is there to receive my weary heart with open arms. She holds me close against her breast. The warmth of her soul unites me with all she knows I am. I am released from fear and feel her quiet strength - ablaze in a beautiful sunrise and alive in the sweetness of the hummingbird that perches in my hand.

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