Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am one who sees and one who seeks.
The seeker is an ever-present and common theme throughout my life. The longing to find the hidden meaning, to uncover truth and to locate wisdom in its many forms and wherever it might be.
As a seeker I must keep my eyes wide-open and view the world and life circumstances not only with open eyes, but with an open mind and heart.
Living this way allows me to experience all the beauty life can offer and to see beauty where others might not. This attracts me to the obscure, the unusual and sometimes to the darker places within.
As a seeker, I must be brave enough to witness what is revealed to me - sometimes this is painful and sometimes I really don't like what I see - but I must look beyond the illusion - beyond appearances, to grasp the real meaning and true beauty that is part of all creation.
To seek and see God in everyone and everything - including me.

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