Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sometimes I wander.
I wander in my mind and sometimes with my body. Sometimes, my spirit wanders - even when I wish that it were steadfast and strong.
There is a gypsy part of me that desires to be wild and free, it wants to explore and roam and often it seems in conflict with the part of me that wants to belong, to want the safety and security of home.
As I work things out in my mind and heart, I do believe that there are times, that it is OK to wander - to seek things out - to be a little lost and to be okay with that. It is the knowing of who I really am that helps me feel safe. As I come to know myself better and better, the more I am OK with the notion of wandering but also with having the certainty that I am deeply loved - that I can always come "home" no matter where I've been.

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